Thursday, June 28, 2012


           After leaving SLC we headed north to Yellowstone.  Our drive to the park brought us through Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, but we stayed in the small town of West Yellowstone, MT which was literally right outside the west entrance to the park.  I was excited to see Old Faithful as I was certain that was going to be the highlight of the park.  I was dead wrong.  Old Faithful was impressive, but there were so many incredible things to be seen.  I quickly developed an obsession with geysers with bright blue water and bright orange bacteria mats.  Apparently geysers are fairly rare and the majority of the geysers in the world are in Yellowstone.  It’s not really a place you want to be if you’re allergic to sulfur as the stench is very strong.  Almost as soon as we drove into Yellowstone we saw a bunch of bison crossing the road just feet from our car which was pretty cool.  As we started our drive through the park, we quickly realized it was going to take us much longer than we had planned to see everything we wanted to see.  We saw rivers, geysers, trees, bison, elk, mountains, waterfalls and tons more.  It was really an incredible place.  As we left the park on our first day a herd of buffalo was crossing the road and we sat in traffic for at least an hour just waiting for them to move.  It was insane, but really fun.  And there were baby bison too and they were adorable.
On our second day in Yellowstone we covered a lot of ground.  We saw Yellowstone Lake which is absolutely massive, the Fishing Bridge which you can’t actually fish from, Upper and Lower Falls and we eventually made it out to Mammoth Hot Springs.  After finishing up there I wanted to see one more geyser.  As we were walking back to the car, Brianne ran into some UF alumni and ended up taking a picture with them for the alumni magazine.  It was actually pretty funny since we’ve been seeing UF people everywhere we go.  Anyways, I’m not sure that my words do a good enough job of describing how awesome Yellowstone was so I think I’ll just leave you with some pictures.  Enjoy!

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